'#englishclasswithbaljeetkaur, #englishclass, #spokenenglish, #baljeetkaurenglishclass, Hello Guys, Welcome to my channel \"English Class\". About this video - In this video you will learn vocabulary related to food grains. Name of Grains and Cereals in English and Hindi. Thank you. Subscribe the channel to get more videos like this. E-mail - [email protected] Instagram Id - baljeet.kaur.1426 #learnenglish, #englishspeakingcourse, #englishforbeginners, #englishforkids, #basicenglish, #englishlearning, #englishthroughhindi, #englishvocabulary, #dailyuseenglishwords, #dailyuseenglishvocabulary, #dailyuseenglishsentences, #dailyuseenglish, #dailyusewordsinenglishspeaking, #sentencesinenglishfordailyuse, #englishsentencesfordailyuse, #shortenglishsentences, #simpleenglish, #englishspeaking, #englishspeakingpractice,'
Tags: learn english , english vocabulary , basic English , daily use English words , English for beginners , english class , cereals name , englishclasswithbaljeetkaur , day to day vocabulary in english , cereals images and names , grains images and names , cereals name in english and hindi , cereals names and pictures , cereals names in english with images , cereals names with pictures in hindi , images of cereals , images of cereals with names , images of cereals with their names
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